Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thematically Dispersed

  1. I can’t even,” you say? Psssht. I already didn’t have bothered.
  2. Dev, Val, Qual, and Prod sounds less like IT environments and more like Dutch porn stars.
  3. New dirty word: Schlurck. Verb. (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone to swallow.
  4. Word that sounds dirty but isn’t: Skroot. Verb. To take potentially destructive data and crowdsource it for validity and potential utility.
  5. The meticulous nature of your first daily cup of tea is inversely proportional to the necessity of your 6th cup of the day.
  6. If someone tells you how they feel, pay no attention. Language is the worst way of conveying a complex emotion. If that same person hands you a painting as part of an interpretive dance? That shit’s the really real, so you better take heed.

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